Ballet is a stunning and difficult art form that calls for commitment, self-control, and a solid foundation. Any beginner dancer must know these ten fundamental steps:
Plié (plee-ay):
Meaning “to bend” in French, this fundamental movement involves bending the knees while keeping the heels on the floor.
Types: Demi-plié (half bend) and grand plié (full bend).
Benefits: Strengthens the legs and core, improves flexibility, and prepares the body for jumps and turns.
Tendu (tahn-dew):
This movement involves extending the leg along the floor, stretching it out while keeping the toes pointed.
Benefits: Improves turnout, strengthens the feet, and develops control and precision in leg movements.
Dégagé (day-ga-zhay):
Similar to tendu, but the foot is lifted slightly off the floor at the end of the extension.
Benefits: Refines the leg extension and develops control in lifting and lowering the leg.
Rond de Jambe à Terre (rawn duh zhahm-buh ah tair):
This exercise involves tracing a semi-circle on the floor with the working leg, keeping it close to the ground.
Benefits: Improves hip flexibility, turnout, and coordination.
Développé (day-vuh-loh-pay):
This movement involves unfolding the working leg from a bent position (passé) to a straight extension.
Benefits: Develops leg extension, strength, and control.
Arabesque (ah-ra-besk):
A classic ballet pose where one leg is extended straight behind the body while maintaining balance on the supporting leg.
Benefits: Improves balance, strength, flexibility, and posture.
Relevé (ruh-lay-vay):
Rising onto the balls of the feet, often from a plié.
Benefits: Strengthens the ankles and calves, improves balance, and prepares for jumps.
Sauté (soh-tay):
A small jump off both feet, usually landing in a plié.
Benefits: Develops jump technique, coordination, and lightness.
Chassé (shah-say):
A gliding step where one foot “chases” the other.
Benefits: Improves fluidity of movement, coordination, and transitions between steps.
Port de Bras (por duh brah):
Refers to the movement of the arms.
Benefits: Develops grace, elegance, and expressiveness in dance.
These 10 foundational steps are the building blocks of ballet technique. Mastering them takes time, patience, and consistent practice. However, with dedication and guidance, you can gradually develop the strength, flexibility, and gracefulness that characterize this beautiful art form.